OCDA Annual Spring Conference!
Registration is Now Open

This year's event will be held on Friday, May 29th, 2020 at Columbus State Community College in Columbus, Ohio. This year, YOU get to play an active role in shaping your experience at the conference.
Check out OCDA2020.com to learn more and to register.
We can't wait to see you there!
OCDA is aware of and closely monitoring governmental health recommendations in response to COVID-19. In the event that the conference will not be able to take place in-person on May 29th, we will be in communication with our members and registered participants. We are also considering options for virtual delivery. In the worst case scenario, if the conference will have to be canceled, a full refund would be issued to any registered attendees.
We appreciate your continued support of OCDA and your understanding and flexibility during these unusual circumstances. Thank you!

Creative Strategies to Engage College Students Remotely

OCDA is holding their 3rd Coffee Chat
April 2nd Coffee Chat Registration
April 7th Coffee Chat Registration
The Coffee Chat will be held virtually via Zoom and each session will have a registration limit of 20.These are an informal virtual discussions, where you can share your own experiences and hear from others. The link to the Zoom meeting will be sent to all registrants a few days beforehand.
*Invite a friend! Pass this invite along to other career services professionals, membership in OCDA is NOT required.

Fantastic March Coffee Chat with Career Professionals!

While the March Coffee Chat was moved to a virtual platform last-minute, it worked out for the best! Over 20 professionals had a fantastic discussion on “Marketing & Branding Strategies for Career Professionals." Check out the notes from our meeting here, and stay tuned for the next chat!

Graduate Students Professional Development Funding
OCDA invites graduate students to apply for the 2020-2021 Professional Development Funding Opportunity, sponsored by Evan Faidley. OCDA is offering two (2) $100 professional development grants to support graduate students and their professional development. The grants are intended for professional development activities related to: conference registration or travel, workshop registration or travel, professional training, and professional certifications. Proposals will be judged based on planned use of funds and support of the mission of OCDA.
Please send your completed application form and essay to burkhartbm@hiram.edu by Sunday, April 12, 2020 by 11:59 PM EST. Essays will undergo a blind review by two non-applying OCDA professional members with reference to the essay rubric. Grant award notifications will be sent by no later than April 26th, 2020 to the email as noted in the application.
Click here for the application form.
Click here for the application essay.
If you have any questions, please contact Bethani Burkhart at burkhartbm@hiram.edu.

Join the OCDA Board for 2020-2021!
We are looking to fill our board for the next year (starting in June/July)! If you or a colleague are interested in being a part of our growing organization and want to contribute, gain leadership experience, and help promote career development for professionals, individuals, and students in Ohio, please consider joining our board. We are a team made up of volunteers throughout Ohio in different fields and settings. These positions are open to anyone, whether you’re involved in Higher Ed, K-12, Libraries, Job Centers, Gov’t Agencies, Private Practice, etc.
Below are open positions to consider nominating yourself, friend, or colleague for:
This position is a 3-year term in which you will serve as President-elect, President, and then Past-President. The President-elect position focuses on planning, organizing, and executing the annual OCDA Conference.
Membership & Newsletter Chair
Manages all OCDA memberships within the online system and sends out monthly newsletter emails to keep our members informed of upcoming events, workshops, and more.
Membership Engagement Chair
As a newer role for OCDA, this role aims to increase membership, promote and organize events (such as our Coffee Chats).
Professional Development Chair
Helps in the process of CEU paperwork for all events that may need it, administers CEU certificates, and promotes OCDA member involvement.
Awards & National Career Development Month Chair
This position combines fall and spring roles. Fall: Plan, organize, and execute events or activities surrounding the National Career Development Month of November and NCDA’s Art and Poetry annual contest. Spring: Promote and process all nominations for the 3 OCDA Awards that are given during the annual conference.
Website Co-Chair
Work with our continuing Website Co-Chair, Kaleigh Mahon, in managing the website for OCDA including updating and creating website content. Help manage registrations for events.
Social Media Chair
Creates and/or sends out social media content, engages with members and answers questions, serve on website and membership engagement committees.
By-Laws Chair
Drafts proposals for amendments to By-Laws to be voted on by the Board, keeps Board members up to date on changes with OCA and NCDA By-Laws.
If you are interested in joining the board, please email Past-President, Dalila Byrd at dalila.bennett@wright.edu.

Career Convergence Web Magazine
One of the benefits of being an OCDA member is access to the Career Convergence magazine. Access the magazine online for free at: https://ncda.org/aws/NCDA/pt/sp/CC_home_page. You can access recent articles on topics relevant to a wide variety of career practitioners including K-12, independent practice, counselor educators and researchers, post-secondary, and more. You also have access to the Career Convergence archives.

Reminder to Members
Don't forget to update your contact information in your membership profile to continue to receive information from OCDA.
If you need assistance, please contact teri.stebbins@wright.edu.
Don’t forget to keep updated and follow us at:
Facebook: Ohio Career Development Association
LinkedIn: Ohio Career Development Association
Twitter: @The_OCDA
Instagram: @The_OCDA