OCDA Annual Spring Conference!
Registration is Now Open
Challenge accepted - we're taking the OCDA Annual Conference online!
We're also making it FREE for OCDA members to attend!
Membership registration available for $25.00 on our Membership Page.
Join us on Friday, May 29th to participate in interactive sessions about topics including:
Applying design theory to career development
Rethinking the career planning model
Artificial intelligence + the workforce
Reaching new audiences through podcasting
Check out the full agenda here. This year's conference is approved for 4.5 CEUs from the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, Marriage and Family Therapist Board.
Visit www.ocda2020.com for more details and to register! Registration is required by Monday, May 25th.
*If you have already registered and paid for the conference when it was planned to be in-person, we will be in touch about providing refunds/adjustments for registration fees.

OCDA Annual Award Nominations are Open!

2020 Bob Windle Leadership Award
This award is presented at the annual Ohio Career Development Association (OCDA) Conference in recognition of a true leader in a career field. The award is named in honor of Bob Windle, who won the award in 2011, for his exceptional contributions to OCDA and to career counseling, exploration, transition, and resilience.
The Bob Windle Leadership Award recognizes practicing career counselors, consultants, or teachers for outstanding performance. Nominees must have at least eight (8) years of service in career development or a related field; demonstrated quality of service (such as innovative programs, recognition by local organizations, publications, awards, etc.); and service to professional association(s) at the local, state and/or national levels. The winner will receive a $100 honorarium, a commemorative gift, and free registration to the OCDA Virtual Conference on Friday, May 29, 2020.
2020 Outstanding New Professional Award
This award will be presented annually at the Ohio Career Development Association (OCDA) Conference in recognition of an individual with less than five (5) years of full-time experience. This individual serves as a role model to students and professionals, demonstrates creativity/innovation in the field, and has great potential for continued success. The winner will receive a $100 honorarium, a commemorative gift, and free registration to the OCDA Virtual Conference on Friday, May 29, 2020.
2020 Outstanding Graduate Student Award (2)
This award will be presented at the annual Ohio Career Development Association (OCDA) Conference in recognition of the wonderful contributions that graduate students are already making to their respective field.
Nominees must be a full-time student in Ohio, a masters or doctoral candidate, and in the field of career counseling, student affairs, college/student personnel or a related field. The winner will receive a $100 honorarium, a commemorative gift, and free registration to the OCDA Virtual Conference on Friday, May 29, 2020.
Nominations Forms Available Here

Join the OCDA Board for 2020-2021!
We are looking to fill our board for the next year (starting in June/July)! If you or a colleague are interested in being a part of our growing organization and want to contribute, gain leadership experience, and help promote career development for professionals, individuals, and students in Ohio, please consider joining our board. We are a team made up of volunteers throughout Ohio in different fields and settings. These positions are open to anyone, whether you’re involved in Higher Ed, K-12, Libraries, Job Centers, Gov’t Agencies, Private Practice, etc.
Below are open positions to consider nominating yourself, friend, or colleague for:
This position is a 3-year term in which you will serve as President-elect, President, and then Past-President. The President-elect position focuses on planning, organizing, and executing the annual OCDA Conference.
Membership & Newsletter Chair
Manages all OCDA memberships within the online system and sends out monthly newsletter emails to keep our members informed of upcoming events, workshops, and more.
Membership Engagement Chair
As a newer role for OCDA, this role aims to increase membership, promote and organize events (such as our Coffee Chats).
Professional Development Chair
Helps in the process of CEU paperwork for all events that may need it, administers CEU certificates, and promotes OCDA member involvement.
Awards & National Career Development Month Chair
This position combines fall and spring roles. Fall: Plan, organize, and execute events or activities surrounding the National Career Development Month of November and NCDA’s Art and Poetry annual contest. Spring: Promote and process all nominations for the 3 OCDA Awards that are given during the annual conference.
Website Co-Chair
Work with our continuing Website Co-Chair, Kaleigh Mahon, in managing the website for OCDA including updating and creating website content. Help manage registrations for events.
Social Media Chair
Creates and/or sends out social media content, engages with members and answers questions, serve on website and membership engagement committees.
By-Laws Chair
Drafts proposals for amendments to By-Laws to be voted on by the Board, keeps Board members up to date on changes with OCA and NCDA By-Laws.
If you are interested in joining the board, please email Past-President, Dalila Byrd at dalila.bennett@wright.edu.

Career Convergence Web Magazine
One of the benefits of being an OCDA member is access to the Career Convergence magazine. Access the magazine online for free at: https://ncda.org/aws/NCDA/pt/sp/CC_home_page. You can access recent articles on topics relevant to a wide variety of career practitioners including K-12, independent practice, counselor educators and researchers, post-secondary, and more. You also have access to the Career Convergence archives.

Reminder to Members
Don't forget to update your contact information in your membership profile to continue to receive information from OCDA.
If you need assistance, please contact teri.stebbins@wright.edu.
Don’t forget to keep updated and follow us at:
Facebook: Ohio Career Development Association
LinkedIn: Ohio Career Development Association
Twitter: @The_OCDA
Instagram: @The_OCDA