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Ohio Career

Development Association

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  • 26 Feb 2021 11:02 AM | Anonymous

    Save the Date: OCDA 2021 Conference

    Award Nominations are Open!

    OCDA would like to recognize distinguished professionals in career development! Please read the descriptions below and nominate any or all within your network who apply! Winners will receive a $100 honorarium, a commemorative gift, free registration to and will be recognized at the OCDA Virtual Conference on Friday, June 4, 2021. Deadlines for nominations will be Friday, April 2nd at 11:59pm.

    The Outstanding Graduate Student Award

    This award will be presented at the annual Ohio Career Development Association (OCDA) Conference in recognition of the wonderful contributions that graduate students are already making to their respective field.

    Nominees must be a full-time student in Ohio, a masters or doctoral candidate, and in the field of career counseling, student affairs, college/student personnel or a related field.

    To nominate a professional, please complete this form.

    The Outstanding New Professional Award

    This award will be presented annually at the Ohio Career Development Association (OCDA) Conference in recognition of an individual with less than five (5) years of full-time experience. This individual serves as a role model to students and professionals, demonstrates creativity/innovation in the field, and has great potential for continued success.

    To nominate a professional, please complete this form.

    The Bob Windle Leadership Award

    This award is presented at the annual Ohio Career Development Association (OCDA) Conference in recognition of a true leader in a career field. The award is named in honor of Bob Windle, who won the award in 2011, for his exceptional contributions to OCDA and to career counseling, exploration, transition, and resilience.

    The Bob Windle Leadership Award recognizes practicing career counselors, consultants, or teachers for outstanding performance. Nominees must have at least eight (8) years of service in career development or a related field; demonstrated quality of service (such as innovative programs, recognition by local organizations, publications, awards, etc.); and service to professional association(s) at the local, state and/or national levels.

    To nominate a professional, please complete this form.

    OCDA: New Logo!

    Your votes are in. Thank you to everyone who helped us with choosing our new logo design. We are excited to reveal our new logo:

    Meet Our New Board Members

    We are excited to be bringing some new faces to our leadership team. Meet our new Professional Development Chair, Katy! Katy is currently a Career Services Advisor at Wright State University Lake Campus, where she helps undergraduate and graduate students as well as alumni find their career path by working with them one on one in advising appointments. With a background in Career Services, she has experience in developing, facilitating, and creating workshops and career fairs for students to ensure their academic and professional success. Additionally, Katy works closely with local employers and builds relationships with business partners so students have access to employment opportunities including full-time employment, internships, and co-ops. Katy received her Bachelor of Arts in Communication and a Master’s Certificate in Marketing from the University of Cincinnati. Katy also received her Master of Science in College Student Affairs with a concentration in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from Nova Southeastern University.

    Meet our Membership Engagement Chair, Steve! Steve is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor-Supervisor located in Cincinnati, Ohio. Steve started and gets to lead his own private practice named Restoring Hope Counseling and Coaching. He is also a certified speaker, trainer, and coach with the John Maxwell Team and serves as an Executive Director with them. Steve's current clinical interests are working with men of Christian faith who live with pornography and/or sexual addictions as well as integrating career and mental health counseling into clinical work. He also provides leadership and business coaching services to others who lead a private practice. Lastly, he is working towards his PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision at Regent University.

  • 28 Jan 2021 1:29 PM | Anonymous

    The last day to submit a conference proposal is February 1st. 

    The theme for this year's conference is Confidently Committed to Change. While so many of our services had to change to better support our client and/or student populations in today's world, we have found better ways of doing certain things. What have you learned throughout this year? What kinds of things worked so well, that you will continue those practices? Please note that your conference presentation proposal does not have to fit the theme to be submitted! We welcome any and all proposals. 

    If you have a conference presentation proposal, please take a few moments to complete this registration form. The deadline for proposal submissions is Monday, February 1st. Presenters will be selected by our Conference Planning Committee and notified by February 22nd.

    If you have any questions, please email 

    NCDA Career Practitioner Institute

    NCDA will be hosting a virtual Career Practitioner Institute (CPI) on February 25th, 2021 from 11am to 4pm. The theme for this year's CPI is "Creative Career Interventions Across Workplace Settings." For more information on the CPI including presentation overviews, cost, and registration, please visit this link.

  • 23 Jan 2021 3:11 PM | Anonymous

    Call For Proposals

    The OCDA Conference will take place on Friday, June 4th, 2021! 

    The deadline to submit a proposal is February 1st, 2021. 

    The theme for this year's conference is Confidently Committed to Change. While so many of our services had to change to better support our client and/or student populations in today's world, we have found better ways of doing certain things. What have you learned throughout this year? What kinds of things worked so well, that you will continue those practices? Please note that your conference presentation proposal does not have to fit the theme to be submitted! We welcome any and all proposals. 

    If you have a conference presentation proposal, please take a few moments to complete this registration form. The deadline for proposal submissions is Monday, February 1st. Presenters will be selected by our Conference Planning Committee and notified by February 22nd.

    If you have any questions, please email

  • 19 Jan 2021 1:36 PM | Anonymous

    The OCDA Conference will take place on Friday, June 4th, 2021! 

    The deadline to submit a proposal is February 1st, 2021. 

    The theme for this year's conference is Confidently Committed to Change. While so many of our services had to change to better support our client and/or student populations in today's world, we have found better ways of doing certain things. What have you learned throughout this year? What kinds of things worked so well, that you will continue those practices? Please note that your conference presentation proposal does not have to fit the theme to be submitted! We welcome any and all proposals. 

    If you have a conference presentation proposal, please take a few moments to complete this registration form. The deadline for proposal submissions is Monday, February 1st. Presenters will be selected by our Conference Planning Committee and notified by February 22nd.

    If you have any questions, please email

  • 5 Jan 2021 10:04 AM | Anonymous

    Congratulations to our Winners of the NCD Poetry and Art Contest!


    First Place Winner:

    Name: Alyssa Boyd

    Age: 16

    School(s): Westerville Central High School and Columbus State Community College

    Education: current junior in high school and College Credit Plus student

     Current work and career goal(s): I would like to attend medical school and become a physician.

    Second Place Winner:

    Name: Alyce Davis

    Age: 20

    School: Franciscan University of Steubenville

    Current work and career goal(s): currently getting a bachelors in Theological Studies. Artist on the side. 

    Third Place Winner:

    Name: Kate Dotterer

    Age: 18

    School: University of Akron

    Current work and career goal(s): I am an AYA Integrated Mathematic Major and my career goals are to teach math abroad in South or Central America.

  • 4 Jan 2021 9:04 AM | Anonymous

    2021 OCDA Conference: Call for Proposals

    The OCDA Conference will take place on Friday, June 4th, 2021!

    The theme for this year's conference is Confidently Committed to Change. While so many of our services had to change to better support our client and/or student populations in today's world, we have found better ways of doing certain things. What have you learned throughout this year? What kinds of things worked so well, that you will continue those practices? Please note that your conference presentation proposal does not have to fit the theme to be submitted! We welcome any and all proposals. 

    If you have a conference presentation proposal, please take a few moments to complete this registration form. The deadline for proposal submissions is Monday, February 1st. Presenters will be selected by our Conference Planning Committee and notified by February 22nd.

    If you have any questions, please email

    Get Involved: OCDA Committees

    The Ohio Career Development Association is looking for OCDA members to join their various committees. This is a great opportunity to grow your network, add to your resume, brush up on some skills, and stay up-to-date on current trends in the industry. OCDA has several committees to join, and they are all a very manageable time commitment. All of our committees meet via Zoom or phone. Take a look at some of the committee options below, and see what you may be interested in joining:

    Conference Planning Committee: Assist with planning and implementing the annual conference.

    Professional Development Committee: Organize activities that focus on career development and professional advancement, and also help with the CEU-approval process for events.

    Membership Committee: Promote membership to colleagues and plan informal member-engaging events.

    Awards Committee: Review nominations and select recipients for the 3 OCDA annual awards given at the conference.

    National Career Development Month Committee: Assist with planning events during the month of November, and help with marketing the NCDA poster and poetry contest.

    Interested? Click here to complete the Committee Form.

    Art & Poetry Contest: People's Choice

    This month a committee reviewed some AMAZING submissions for the NCDA Art and Poetry competition with the theme, “"My Future Career. Imagine The Possibilities!" Join OCDA in helping to select our People’s Choice award winner! The winner of this award will receive a certificate and free entry to the annual OCDA conference this June. Voting will be open from 1/4/21 until 1/10/21. 

    Steps to vote:

    1.  View the gallery of submissions here:
    2. Cast your vote of your favorite here:
    3. Share with friends and family!


    Career Wisdom in the COVID Age

    By: Martin Jaffe

    "Each one of us is doomed and privileged to be an inner artist who carries and shapes a unique world.” Father John O’ Donohue, ANAM CARA

    “A Dream Not Understood is like a letter unopened “  The TALMUD

    In this challenging time of anxiety and discontent I have been reflecting on what I’d suggest to career counseling clients from my almost forty year counseling experience that goes beyond the same repetition of resume writing, telling stories of your accomplishments, using LinkedIn--- all the superficial techniques that ignore the reality of living a soulful life of purpose. So, in this time of lockdown let me propose some looking inward, as Socrates stated, “KNOW THYSELF.”

    Several years ago a client of mine Aaron D. expressed his desire to “study bio-chemistry, find the  biological origins of disease, make a difference”—when I last saw a brief note about Aaron in an alumni bulletin he was a second year medical student on the way to turning his vision into reality.

    Beyond paying the rent and being a member of the working population what motivates YOU. Is it an altruistic vision of social justice or sharing your love of pastry in your chic bakery? Perhaps you have visions of yourself on stage sharing a musical or artistic vision? Look inward, read about people in fields of interest --- the world is diverse and at some point hopefully not too far down we need YOU.

    What about your skills? The United States department of Labor uses an excellent shorthand of all jobs as primarily skills based on DATA, PEOPLE, THINGS or IDEAS. Do you prefer to organize an intimate gathering for 400 of your closest friends or would you be more comfortable sitting in attic writing the great American novel. What do you do when you have choice, write song lyrics and chords, bake chicken oregano with lemon, rebuild a 1966 Corvair?

    At some time soon you will need to look outward and develop an ACTION plan for your career vision involving education and training . You will decide how much or whether you are more drawn to hands on vocational training or long term college/graduate school. At that point looking into occupational literature and educational guides will turn your vision into reality.

    As Shakespeare noted several years back, “ALL THE WORLD”S A STAGE”

    We await the curtain rising as you enter the stage.

  • 16 Dec 2020 1:19 PM | Anonymous

    The OCDA Conference will be held on Friday, June 4th, 2021. The theme for this year's conference is Confidently Committed to Change. Change is inherent in career development, whether it's career trajectory, trends, resources, services, etc. As we support others and each other during this time of life-career transition, we would love to hear about your proposal that focuses on change. Any and all proposals are welcome!

    If you have a conference presentation proposal, please take a few moments to complete this form: The deadline for proposals is end of the day on February 1. Presenters will be selected by the Conference Planning Committee and notified on February 22nd. You do not have to be a current OCDA member to submit a proposal.

  • 15 Dec 2020 9:22 AM | Anonymous

    2021 OCDA Conference: Call for Proposals

    The OCDA Conference will take place on Friday, June 4th, 2021! 

    The theme for this year's conference is Confidently Committed to Change. Change is inherent in career development, whether it's career trajectory, trends, resources, services, etc.  As we support others and each other during this time of life-career transition, we would love to hear about your proposal that focuses on change. Any and all proposals are welcome!  

    If you have a conference presentation proposal, please take a few moments to complete this registration formThe deadline for proposal submissions is Monday, February 1st by 11:59:59PM EST. Presenters will be selected by our Conference Planning Committee and notified by February 22nd.

    If you have any questions, please email

  • 11 Dec 2020 5:25 PM | Anonymous

    NCDA Poster and Poetry Contest 2020- Entries due Monday, December 14th 2020 at 11:59pm

    Join OCDA in standing out as the most creative and expressive career association by sharing your artistic or poetic talents by clicking HERE for competition information.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Who can enter the NCDA Poetry & Art Contest?

    Every adult and student enrolled in school is eligible, as well as adult practitioners who are not enrolled in school. Content divisions include:

    • Primary – grades K-2
    • Intermediate – grades 3-5
    • Middle – grades 6-8
    • Senior – grades 9-12
    • Adult Student – ages 18 and older, enrolled in school
    • Open adult – ages 18 and older, not enrolled in school

    What is this year’s theme?

    You are designing a piece of one-page art (created digitally or scanned) or a poem—both virtually submitted as a 8.5” x 11”.pdf, .jpeg or .png file—to the following theme: “My Future Career – Imagine the Possibilities.”

    When is my entry due, and where do I submit my entry?

    The deadline to submit your entry to OCDA is Monday, December 14 by 11:59:59PM EST. Click on the Submission Form to submit your poster or poem.

    What happens if I win?

    THERE ARE PRIZES!!! OCDA is providing the following prizes this year:

    • First place - $125
    • Second place - $100
    • Third place - $75

    First- through third-place winners’ entries will be sent to the national level for the possibility to win a national award and to be put on display to professionals excited about creativity and careers! We will also be doing a People’s Choice Award through OCDA social media for you to view the work and vote for your favorite to earn a certificate. Winners will also have the opportunity to attend the OCDA Annual Conference in May 2021 for free. For more information, contact Evan Faidley at

  • 1 Dec 2020 9:27 AM | Anonymous

    OCDA Professional Development Grant

    Ohio Career Development Association is offering one (1) $100 professional development grant to support a graduate student in their professional development. The grant is intended for professional development activities related to:

    • Conference registration or travel
    • Workshop registration or travel
    • Professional training
    • Professional certification

    Proposals will be judged based on planned use of funds and support of the mission of OCDA to promote a greater understanding of the meaning of work and vocation, to foster career development over the life span, and to improve professional service in the field of career guidance and counseling in Ohio.

    Completed forms and essays should be submitted via email to Bethani Burkhart at by Monday, January 11, 2021 by 11:59:59PM EST. Essays will undergo a blind review by two non-applying OCDA professional members with reference to the essay rubric. Please see below for a link to the application form and the essay prompt. This professional development opportunity is sponsored by Evan Faidley.

    OCDA Winter Book Club

    We will be reading "Friend of a Friend...: Understanding the Hidden Networks that Can Transform your Life and Career" by David Burkus. You can find this book at your local library, on Kindle, Audible, and more! The Book Club has set virtual meeting dates every three weeks, wherein which specific chapters of the book will be discussed. The meetings will take place via Zoom, and those who sign up will receive the meeting link as each event date approaches. The Book Club meetings will take place from 11:30am to 12:30pm on the following Tuesdays:

    December 1st

    December 29th

    January 19th

    February 9th

    March 2nd

    March 23rd 

    The deadline to register for the Book Club is our first meeting, December 1st 2020. Click here to register. 

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