2021 Professional Development & Program Support Grants

We're expanding our funding for micro-grants to help support our members with awards for professional development and program support. Please review the information below if you're interested in applying!
Who is Eligible?
All current OCDA members are eligible to submit one (1) application.
Application Period
April 19th – May 16th, 2021
Application Description
The Ohio Career Development Association is offering six (6) grants of up to $250 to support OCDA members and their professional development or program support. The grants are intended for activities related to:
- Conference registration or travel
- Workshop registration or travel
- Professional training
- Professional certification(s)
Assistance with programs that support clients in:
- Developing career readiness skills
- Exploring career options
- Securing employment
- Enhancing their careers
Proposals will be judged based on planned use of funds and support of the mission of OCDA to promote a greater understanding of the meaning of work and vocation, to foster career development over the life span, and to improve standards of professional service in the field of career guidance and counseling in Ohio.
Proposals are due by May 16th, 2021. Grant award notifications will be sent no later than May 24th, 2021.
Apply at www.ocdaonline.org/grants.
Questions? Contact Chelsea Francis, OCDA President at cfranci1@cscc.edu.

Not planning to apply for a grant?
We are looking for two members to help us read + evaluate grant applications!
Grant Reader Eligibility:
Must be an active OCDA Member
Must not have applied for an OCDA grant
Must be available to review/score applications the week of May 17-21, 2021
Interested in volunteering? Email Chelsea Francis, OCDA President at cfranci1@cscc.edu.

President-Elect Applications are Open
Applications are now open for the 2021-2022 President-Elect position. Our new President-Elect will begin their 3-year term on July 1, 2021. To be considered, complete the online application before May 21st.
The President Elect plans, executes, and organizes the Annual Conference and oversees the Conference Planning Committee. The President-Elect serves as a member of the Board, co-chair of the Finance Committee, and advisor to the President at the Annual Meeting, and performs Presidential duties in the absence of the President.
President-Elect Application