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  • 5 Aug 2024 10:50 PM | Anonymous

    ONE WEEK AWAY: Five Key Things to Consider for Pay Equity

    OCDA proudly presents Emily Douglas-McNab, Taylor Tamang, and Erin Howell for an encore presentation of their 2024 OCDA Conference presentation, "Five Key Things to Consider for Pay Equity." This presentation will take place on Tuesday, August 13th from 1pm-2pm.

    Presentation Description:

    From evaluating company commitment to pay equity to finding a job with the pay that you want, we’ll review five key things to consider about pay equity. By understanding these five keys, you can become more informed, empowered, and proactive in advocating for fair and equitable compensation.

    **Deadline to register for this presentation is, Monday, August 12th at 5pm. Zoom information will be sent to registrants via email closer to the event**


  • 30 Jul 2024 6:28 PM | Anonymous

    OCDA August 2024 Newsletter

    Cheers to a fantastic year with OCDA!

    It's time to wrap up the 2023-2024 year and look forward to OCDA's 50th Anniversary Year!

    A Thank You Message from the OCDA Past President, Christine Yancey

    As I write this final submission for the OCDA newsletter, I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude and pride for the incredible journey we shared over the last twelve months. Serving as president for OCDA has been a true pleasure and has proven to be one of the most fulfilling and rewarding experiences of my professional life.

    All that we have accomplished over the last twelve months is nothing short of amazing and I am in awe of the work being done to promote our profession. I am particularly proud of the progress we’ve made and continue to make in the areas of government relations, membership development, DEI, and professional development. There is still more work in store for 2024-2025, so stay tuned!

    Throughout the year, our board and committee members rose to the challenge and facilitated programing that made meaningful strides in enhancing our profession and providing valuable resources for our members.  I would like to thank each one of them for their unwavering commitment and hard work;  it was my pleasure to be part of this very talented and dedicated group of individuals. We often say OCDA members are not just colleagues and partners, but we’re friends. 

    As I stepped down at the beginning of July, I am confident that OCDA is in excellent hands with the leadership of Richard Fajardo, your President. Richard, along with Kaleigh Mahon, your President-Elect. Both Richard and Kaleigh already have plans for an exceptional year.

    Finally, we have a very successful OCDA Annual Conference this year and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the event sponsors: College Central Network, You Science, On Demand Occupational Medicine,, and Evergreen Mentorship. I’d also like to thank the presenters and participants who made this event so successful.

    Lastly, I’d like to thank you, our members, whose enthusiasm, dedication, commitment, and contributions are the lifeblood of our organization.  It has been my pleasure to serve you and I look forward to seeing you at future OCDA events.

    With best wishes,

    Christine Yancey

    Past-President, OCDA

    Reflections from the OCDA 2024 Annual Conference
    Strive to Thrive: The Impact of Wellness on Career Development

    Thank you to all of our members in attendance, presenters, our sponsors and exhibitors, the OCDA board, and Ohio Dominican University for another successful annual conference! This year, we had a wonderful turn out of conference attendees, as well as both brilliant keynote speakers and break out session speakers who continue to inspire and revolutionize the work we do.

    Take a look at some of the photos from this year's conference!

    We are so grateful for this year's conference sponsors and exhibitors! Thank you for your invaluable support!

    A huge thank you to our Gold Level Sponsor, College Central Network!

    Click here to learn more about our Gold Level Sponsor - College Central Network

    And another huge thank you to our Silver Level Sponsor, You Science!

    Click here to learn more about our Silver Level Sponsor- You Science

    Click here to learn more about our Exhibitor - Evergreen Mentorship

    Click here to learn more about our Exhibitor -

    Click here to learn more about our Exhibitor - LDW Group, LLC

    Click here to learn more about our Exhibitor - On Demand Occupational Medicine

    A Welcome Message from OCDA 204-2025 President, Richard Fajardo

    Dear Members,

    The summer has been flying by as we enter the month of August. Hopefully, each of you has been able to take some time to enjoy your favorite summer activities. Although I have not yet made it to a baseball or softball game, I have enjoyed seeing my favorite sports teams from Cleveland (the Guardians, the Cavaliers, and the Browns) using LinkedIn to promote their organizational successes and various career opportunities they offer. Much like other social media channels, LinkedIn continues to evolve, and hopefully for the better. 

    Having attended a couple other conferences in June in addition to our annual conference in May (for those of you wondering, conferences with the National Career Development Association (NCDA) and the National Agricultural Alumni Development Association (NAADA)), I walked away with the ever-relevant reminder about the importance of 'refilling our cups'. I also reflected and thought about the metaphor of 'fuel'. Much has been said about the former in our professional realm. However, the 'fuel' metaphor is important because it often gets overlooked. Thinking of this in terms of vehicles, putting diesel fuel in a gasoline vehicle's gas tank can cause some extensive damage. Moreover, putting gasoline fuel in a diesel vehicle's gas tank can be even more devastating and dangerous. In either case, the wrong kind of fuel will not help a vehicle run and can hurt it.

    In terms of 'refilling our cups' and helping others 'refill their cups', let us think about understanding what kind of fuel we run on and what kind of fuel other people around us run on. For example, I mentioned sports above, which may appeal to several people but might not be interesting for numerous others. While attending an Ohio State Women's Basketball NCAA Tournament game during a Friday workday brought much joy and inspired my work for the rest of that day, other people may find sporting events to be boring and de-energizing. With that said, although well-intentioned, advice and tips for success and growth are not always universally applicable. As members of various teams and groups, we must take the time to learn about what helps energize each person and keeps their momentum going. Giving someone the appropriate fuel can go a long way. A struggling hire or a struggling student might not be a 'lemon car' and may just need different fuel to operate. 

    Remember that this 'fuel' metaphor is not just about our service to others. We also need to take care of ourselves, giving ourselves the fuel that we need to continue on our paths. Much like the people we serve, we are not 'lemon cars' or 'cars that are ready to be scrapped for parts'. Be sure to take the time to do activities that replenish you and make you feel like yourself - you deserve it! 

    Richard Fajardo, LPC

    Licensed Professional Counselor

    OCDA President

    OCDA Upcoming Professional Development Events

    Click here to pre-register for this webinar!

    If you have ideas or submissions for membership email content, please email Maddie Kindig at

  • 26 Jul 2024 6:14 PM | Anonymous

    REGISTER TODAY: Emotionally Intelligent Leadership

    OCDA's Webinar Series proudly presents Dr. Arianna Howard! Dr. Howard will be leading a virtual interactive session on Thursday, August 8th from 12pm-1pm EST! Attendees will participate in an intricate dance of self-reflection and critical thinking and practice strategies to manage people, lead the vision, and handle conflict with grace and compassion!

    Please note that you MUST pre-register for this event to receive the Zoom link! Pre-registration will close on Wednesday, August 7th at 5pm

    Presentation Zoom Link will be sent out to all pre- registered participants at least one hour prior to the event, or earlier.


  • 24 Apr 2024 5:32 PM | Anonymous

    OCDA Early Spring 2024 Newsletter

    The Ohio Career Development Association (OCDA) would like to invite you to register for our Spring Conference titled, Strive to Thrive: The Impact of Wellness on Career Development! This exciting TWO (2) DAY event will take place on Thursday, May 30th 2024 and Friday, May 31st 2024 at Ohio Dominican University in Columbus, Ohio. Registration for the Conference is OPEN and can be found by following THIS LINK.

    This year's Conference theme comprises of three (3) core principles:

    DEI- The intersection of DEI and mental health
    Wellness in the workplace and in our personal lives
    Technology and innovation

    Through referencing these principles, presentations have been selected to encompass a variety of topics including but not limited to AI, K-12 career development, special populations, healthy work environments, trauma-informed supervision, and MUCH MORE! To learn all about this year's presentations, speakers, and schedule, you can follow THIS LINK

    NOTE: Presentation titles in the schedule marked with an asterisk are presentations in which CE's have been applied for!

    We are looking forward to an exciting Conference, and we hope that you will join us to learn, network, and #ThriveWithOCDA!

    A Message from the President, Christine Yancey

    Dear OCDA Members,

    As we look forward to warmer weather and longer days, we embrace new opportunities to grow within ourselves, both personally and professionally. Whether you are interested in learning how professionalism impacts our view of inclusion; or taking a hard look at conflict and how it affects how we engage with those around us, there’s something for everyone through the work of our Professional Development calendar of events.

    Speaking of calendars, mark yours for May 30-31, 2024 for the OCDA Annual Conference! Plans for our conference are currently in full swing. This year’s event will take place at the beautiful campus of Ohio Dominican University in Columbus. This 1 ½ day conference will be packed full of professional development sessions focusing on topics from wellness in the workplace and in our personal lives, to AI and its impact, to DEI and the implications on our career field. You don’t want to miss this annual event and the opportunity to earn CE’s while you learn.  This year, we had 2x as many proposal submissions as last year, so attendees will have lots to choose from. 

    Are you looking to make a difference? If you are passionate about creating a more inclusive future and ensure everyone has equal opportunities within the career development space, join our DEI committee. Over the next couple of months this committee will implement programming that will foster a stronger sense of inclusion and look at how DEI impacts how we serve our students and clients. For more information on this important initiative, email us at

    I look forward to a productive and fulfilling Spring and hope to see you in person at our conference in May!

    Warm Regards,

    Christine Yancey

    President, OCDA


    OCDA Article Submission by Martin Elliot Jaffe


    Now that my 40 year career counseling career is over and we seem to be entering another divisive, polarizing political season and a world characterized by turmoil and tumult, I have been reflecting that the last few years there has been one encouraging development in the American workforce: some attention is again being paid to the needs of what I have often termed the working class majority.

    I am pleased to note that the current American administration has been focused more than many during my long career on the career development needs of the American working class and some attempts have been made to rectify the decline and systematic destruction over the last 40  years of the most vital career development organizations ever developed—unions.

    When I began my career counseling career almost 47 years ago in Lorain , Ohio the smoky air smelled like  prosperity to the thousands of workers engaged in automobile, steel and shipbuilding represented by vigorous unions assuring first rate wages, benefits, working conditions, career advancement—all systematically stripped away in the following years until the American workplace now resembles the vision of political philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1651) where life is, “ short, nasty and brutish”.


    In NICKELED and DIMED (1989) Barbara Ehrenreich developed the broad based definition of the working class that has informed my career counseling practice. Ehrenreich wrote , “ by working class I mean not only industrial workers in hard hats but those who are not professionals, managers, entrepeneurs—those who work for wages rather than salaries, spend working hours lifting,bending, driving, monitoring, inputting, cleaning, caring for physical needs, loading, unloading—so defined these jobs are 60-70 % of the American workforce.”  During the Covid era these are the workers keeping or groceries and take out and power stations operating, not working from home ----they keep life in America flowing until better times arrive.


    In 1950 , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics about 35% of private sector employees were union members –by 2020 that figure was at 11%. Full disclosure –in the two public library systems I worked for I have been both a bargaining unit member and a manager; at the social service agency I was a counselor at last 10 years of my career I was in a bargaining unit.

    In this short article I don’t have space to delve into all the reasons for union decline  ----minus unions advocacy for the American working class majority is a great void.

    For example while NCDA issues calls for and position papers/curriculums on Diversity, Inclusion, Social Justice, they are missing in action on issues of public policy relating to labor concerns.

    For example as public employee bargaining rights were restricted or eliminated between 2015 and 2020 I’m not aware of NCDA taking any public stance on this issue.

    When China produces Apple products and other sophisticated technological products in plants where conditions are like the conditions  of England in an 1840 Charles Dickens novel or uses Muslims in prison camps  no NCDA position on labor standards has been articulated.


    So much of the literature of career counseling is indebted to the quasi mystical approach of works like WHAT COLOR IS YOUR PARACHUTE? The endless process of searching for meaning and purpose, the filling out of the endless flower exercise in the Bolles world-view ( full disclosure again the endless process with no closure drove me into anxiety ridden fits at a 1984 WHAT COLOR IS YOR PARACHUTE workshop for counselors)

    Working class clients tend to be pragmatic and real world grounded, What educational path leads to what career, what are the key skills needed in a specific field? What is the employment outlook.

    While we tend to wax philosophical about internship opportunities working class students and counseling clients often ask about apprenticeships or work study.


    My Eureka moment came early in my career after an intensive training session in using the SDS by John Holland, my personal guru and role model. Over the years I have developed skill card sorts based on data, people, things, ideas , materials integrating Holland codes with Occupational Outlook career profiles, personality and career relationships integrating SDS and MBTI---while assessments need to be taken with a grain of salt and not be viewed as set in stone working class career counseling clients never come to my office and open up by saying , “ I want to explore my essence, inner being and path to career integrity.” Grounding our work in the real world assures our relevance in a world of complex choice and change.


    True story  --referred by his uncle, 27 years old uncle described Alex, “ so much potential, so confused”

    Recently fired from baker’s assistant job as he stated,” boss and I figured out at same time I did not care about baking”

    We did the SDS, identified strong Holland I code (Investigative) Alex told me best job in his varied past was temp job at local university working with rats on blood clotting research. We looked up some OOH titles and career paths, Alex made appointment with community college academic advisor, encouraged him to check back in with questions, we can always meet,etc…….. two years pass, I’m reading an article in Cleveland Plain Dealer about innovative computerized medical tomography ( don’t ask me, I’m not down with science) ….photo of the technician by the tomography flying saucer like machine….ALEX.


    We are at our best when we encourage and share a career vision with our clients and America is at our best when we have a vigorous empowered labor movement enshrined in our legal system advocating for decent wages, benefits and working conditions—true career development. These are difficult times as Willy Lomans’ wife Linda stated in DEATH OF A SALESMAN, “Attention must be paid.” 

    Interested in submitting articles for the OCDA Newsletter? Email for more info!

    If you have ideas or submissions for membership email content, please email Maddie Kindig at

  • 2 Mar 2024 8:46 PM | Anonymous

    CALLING OHIO COUNSELORS: OCA Legislative Advocacy Day

    Consider joining OCA for Legislative Advocacy Day on Tuesday, April 9th 2024 from 9am-3pm!

    Location: Riffe Center, Room 1960 | 77 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215

    To learn more about this event and to register, follow THIS LINK!

    **Consider registering for this event SOON as there are only 47 spots left!**

  • 1 Mar 2024 2:55 PM | Anonymous

    This year's conference theme is: Strive to Thrive: The Impact of Wellness on Career Development

    Dates: Thursday, May 30th and Friday, May 31st, 2024

    Location: Ohio Dominican University in Columbus, Ohio


    Early Bird Registration

    (Register by Friday, March 15th, 2024 at 11:59pm EDT)

    OCDA Members- $120

    Non-OCDA Members- $160*

    Student- $50*^

    * Includes one year of membership. Non-OCDA members must create an account to register and to gain a FREE year of membership

    ^ Student rate applies to students currently enrolled in a graduate/doctoral degree program.

    Regular Registration

    (Register by May 22nd, 2024 at 11:59pm EDT)

    OCDA Members- $150

    Non-OCDA Members- $200*

    Student- $60*^

    * Includes one year of membership. Non-OCDA members must create an account to register and to gain a FREE year of membership

    ^ Student rate applies to students currently enrolled in a graduate/doctoral degree program.

    Week-of Conference Registration

    (May 23rd, 2024 at 12:00am EDT until the conference)

    OCDA Members- $175

    Non-OCDA Members- $240*

    Student- $70*^

    * Includes one year of membership. Non-OCDA members must create an account to register and to gain a FREE year of membership

    ^ Student rate applies to students currently enrolled in a graduate/doctoral degree program.


    We've extended our proposal submission deadline until March 7!
    If you have a topic you'd like to share with our members regarding the intersection of mental health and career, workplace wellness, DEI, or AI/technology, please visit for more info or to submit a proposal!


    Calling all innovative businesses in career-related industries!
    Are you looking to connect with professionals in the career development space?
    We're seeking sponsors for the 2024 Ohio Career Development Association Conference, which is attended by dedicated experts from all over the state of Ohio who are shaping the future workforce.

    Whether you offer cutting-edge tools, resources, or services, this is your chance to connect with decision-makers and showcase your solutions! Let's collaborate to empower careers and drive success together!

    For more information on sponsoring the OCDA Conference, CLICK HERE

    We want to celebrate you! Every year, OCDA recognizes professionals in the field of career development, and we are calling for this year's award nominations! Please see below for the award criteria and the career professional who won this year's award!

    Award winners will receive a $100 honorarium, a commemorative gift, and will be recognized at the OCDA Conference on Thursday, May 30, 2024 & Friday, May 31, 2024!

    Please take a moment to nominate your amazing colleagues!

    Read the award criteria and nominate some outstanding career professionals by following THIS LINK

    If you have ideas or submissions for membership email content, please email Maddie Kindig at

  • 19 Feb 2024 9:14 PM | Anonymous

    Decolonizing "Professionalism" to Empower Inclusion

    Friday, March 15, 2024 from 11am-12pm

    Join us virtually via Zoom on Friday, March 15th at 11am where we will have the opportunity to learn from Dr. Kristin Austin!

    Register for the event HERE.

    PRESENTATION HAS BEEN APPROVED FOR 1 GENERAL CEU for counselors, social workers, and marriage and family therapists!

    **Meeting link will be sent to registrants via email**

  • 6 Dec 2023 4:00 PM | Anonymous

    OCDA December 2023 Newsletter

    On behalf of the OCDA Executive Board, we wish you a safe and happy holiday season!

    A Message from the President, Christine Yancey

    Dear Members,

    It is my pleasure to wish you and your family a joyous holiday season and a happy and prosperous New Year! As 2023 comes to a close, we look back on all OCDA has accomplished this year. The first half of 2023 featured professional development offerings  that helped our members grow both professionally and personally with workshops on credentialing and time management. The OCDA Annual conference was held in May and brought back the face-to-face event and brought career development professionals together from across the state for the two-day event. The organization welcomed many new members and grew the Executive Board in expertise, dedication, and enthusiasm and added to the already talented leadership team.

    In November, the NCD Month Committee planned a month full of programming to help our members, ranging from personal and professional improvement and growth to networking opportunities. Recordings of these workshops can be viewed through the OCDA website.

    Our new Government Relations committee is already doing great work expanding the voice of Career Development. Members attended the OCDA Government Education Day on November 27th and met with Graham Wood from the Department of Education and Workforce to discuss how our profession impacts the workforce from the time jobseekers begin to think of a future career. The committee also secured a state proclamation designating November as NCD Month from the Governor’s office, the House of Representatives, and the State Senate. This is an exciting step forward and we look forward to expanding this effort in 2024, with even more members in attendance. 

    Our Professional Development committee offered workshops with opportunities to earn CEU’s with a Communication Skills workshop. The committee has several more workshops planned for the coming year.

    As we look forward to 2024, OCDA committees have even more planned to increase the benefits of your membership. The date for the Annual Conference has been set for May 30-31, 2024 and will take place on the beautiful campus of Ohio Dominican University in Columbus. This year’s theme is Strive to Thrive – The Impact of Wellness on Career Development and the call for proposals will go out in the coming weeks, and we invite you to consider presenting at the event. 

    The DEI committee also has important work planned, and I invite anyone with a passion for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the career development space to contact the committee chair Alex Burns at

    Finally, as I reflect on 2023 and look forward to 2024, I wanted to personally thank you for your commitment and dedication to OCDA and I look forward to a New Year filled with success and prosperity.


    Christine L. Yancey

    OCDA President

    OCDA Tip of the Month: Reflection

    Erin Doyle Theodorou M.Ed., LPC, NCC from Theodorou Therapy LLC brings us a fantastic quote to guide our thoughts on the theme of reflection to round out the final weeks of 2023. Erin writes, "At the end of each year, there is a great opportunity to reflect on yourself, your goals, your relationships, your career, and your health (both physical and mental). December is an ideal time to take stock of how you feel you progressed the last twelve months. Perhaps to reflect on how you regressed (we are human after all)."

    To read more about the theme of reflection for the month of December, take a look at Erin's full blog post here.

    Pulse on Ohio
    Issue 3

    December 2023

    In celebration of National Career Development Month, the Ohio Career Development Association held our first government day on November 27th at the Ohio Statehouse sponsored by the Government Relations Committee. It was a successful day of learning, networking, and policy education. 

    The event was open to NCDA and OCDA members as well as prospective members. OCDA members in attendance included Danielle Bell, Jill Cates (Easterseals Redwood), President-Elect-Elect Richard Fajardo (Ohio State University), Government Relations Chair Sarah JanTausch (SRJ Coaching & Consulting), Secretary Rachel Richardson (Ohio State University), and President Christine Yancey (Sinclair Community College).

    The day began with networking, followed by a private tour of the Ohio Statehouse including the Senate Chambers, and finished with a policy discussion with the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce’s Graham Wood who provided a briefing on recent and future changes to the Department and a discussion around education and workforce policy relating to the Association.  It was a productive and collaborative conversation where we discussed the continuum of career development and supporting K-12 students in their next steps through graduation. 

    Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Lt. Governor Jon Husted recognized National Career Development Month with a proclamation. Both legislative chambers supported November as National Career Development Month. The Ohio Senate President Matt Huffman along with Senator Andrew Brenner Chairs the Senate Education Committee celebrated the occasion with a proclamation and the Ohio House Speaker Jason Stephens joined in with recognition.

    OCDA Government Relations Committee:

    Sarah JanTausch, Chair

    Alexandria Burns

    Amy Harker

    Dr. Nina Talley

    Christine Yancey

    OCDA members pictured left to right standing outside of the Governor’s Ceremonial office in the Ohio Statehouse: Rachel Richardson, Jill Cates, Danielle Bell and in the back row Richard Fajardo and Christine Yancey.

    OCDA Government Relations Committee Members pictured left to right standing outside of the Governor’s Ceremonial office in the Ohio Statehouse: Sarah JanTausch and Christine Yancey with proclamations from the Ohio Governor and Lt. Governor, Ohio Senate, and Ohio House of Representatives.

    OCDA Members in attendance standing in the Map Room at the Ohio Statehouse on each of the counties they represent. From left to right: Jill Cates, Christine Yancey, Rachel Richardson, Sarah JanTausch, Richard Fajardo, and Danielle Bell.

    In the spirit of reflection, the OCDA Executive Board would like to send our heartfelt congratulations to last year’s award recipients. Take this time to reflect on all the work you and your colleagues have done and think about who you might want to nominate this year!

    Check out more information on our awards and last year's recipients here

    Lastly, we have one update for our OCDA Membership on behalf of the Website Committee:
    We moved the Member Exclusive Content section to under the Membership Tab.

    If you have ideas or submissions for membership email content, please email Maddie Kindig at

  • 19 Nov 2023 12:11 PM | Anonymous

    Government Education Day

    Cover Image for OCDA Government Education Day

    Join the OCDA Board on Monday, November 27th for an education and networking event at the Ohio Statehouse! The program will include a tour, educational program, and photo-op on the Ohio Statehouse steps. This is a GREAT opportunity for in-person networking with fellow career development professionals!

    This event is open to OCDA, NCDA members, and those who are want to explore OCDA membership! REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED!

    PLEASE NOTE: Attendees must dress in business casual/professional attire. Please ensure that you are comfortable and able to stay warm!

    To register please follow THIS LINK. It is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED for those interested in attending to RSVP in order to receive updates directly to their email about essential day-of details and parking information.

    We can't wait to see you there!!

  • 5 Nov 2023 5:07 PM | Anonymous

    National Career Development Month Events

    Did you know that November is National Career Development Month?! OCDA is thrilled to announce that we are hosting a number of events in honor of NCD Month! We even have the opportunity to offer CEUs to members of OCDA and those who have not joined OCDA!

    Check out our National Career Development Month page and our Events page for details and Zoom information for this month's events!

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