OCDA Government Education and Engagement Day

OCDA spent Wednesday, November 13th at the Ohio Statehouse for the 2nd Annual Government Education and Engagement Day! Throughout the day, attendees had the opportunity to engage in advocacy activities, tour the Ohio Statehouse, meet with guest speakers from the Ohio Department of Jobs & Family Services, and drop off letters/information about OCDA to state legislators. This event, planned by the OCDA Government Relations Committee and their Committee Chair, Sarah JanTausch, allowed for attendees to share their experiences within the career development field and learn ways to advocate for the needs of career professionals and their clients/students.

Seen Above: Government Education and Engagement Day attendees and guest speakers in the State Room at the Ohio Statehouse.
Pictured left to right in back row: Michelle Norris, Jill Cates, Kaleigh Mahon, and Newton Kimberly. Pictured left to right in front row: Alicia Camak, Rachel Richardson, Julie Wirt, and Brad Barger.

Seen Above: OCDA Government Education and Engagement Day attendees holding the Proclamations from Ohio House of Representatives, Ohio Senate, and Ohio Governor's Office recognizing OCDA and National Career Development Month.
Pictured left to right in back row: Alicia Camak, Rachel Richardson, Jill Cates, and Sarah JanTausch. Pictured left to right in front row: Michelle Norris, Kaleigh Mahon, and Newton Kimberly.
Check out the Proclamations in the images below!