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Ohio Career

Development Association

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  • 17 Nov 2019 6:30 PM | Anonymous

    NCDA Poster and Poetry Contest

    OCDA will be accepting submissions for the NCDA Poster and Poetry Contest for anyone who would like to submit through our organization. The deadline to submit through OCDA is Friday, December 13th 2019 in order for us to be able to turn them in on time.

    Please see the requirements for both poetry and posters here.


    Entries can either be scanned and emailed to Felicia Johnson at or mailed to her at the following address:

    Felicia Johnson

    P.O. Box 5190

    Kent, OH 44242-0001

  • 15 Nov 2019 4:56 PM | Anonymous

    This year, OCDA had the pleasure of giving away two $250 grants to be used for professional development!

    One of our winners was Dr. Ana C. Berrios Allison, LPC. She is currently an Assessment Specialist and Career Counselor at The Ohio State University as well as Adjunct Faculty  member within the Counselor Education Program at The Ohio State University.

    Allison used the full $250 grant to attend AOCC 2019 where she and a co-presenter presented, “Lets ACT: Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Career Counseling and Decision Making." Her presentation promoted a greater understanding of the meaning of work and vocation because of ACT's main goal of increasing "psychological flexibility" in decision-making. The presentation highlighted the value-added that ACT has on fostering career development over the life span, and they taught the application of ACT to decision-making, including acceptance of decision constraints, defusion from conceptualized career identities, and commitment to valued actions and meaningful work. Moreover, the AOCC presentation also improved the standards of professional service due to their demonstration, through a specific case scenario, of the integration of an evidence-based approach to career counseling. Both school counselors and clinicians in the state of Ohio learned how to use ACT with their clients to increase the psychological flexibility much needed to make meaningful vocational decisions with clear consequences to their personal and occupational identities.

  • 29 Oct 2019 5:49 PM | Anonymous

    Members of our executive board had an excellent time at last week's NCDA CPI! If you were there too, we would love to see pictures of your experience! Email for a chance to be featured on our website!

    Pictured (left to right): Bethani Burkhart, Chelsea Francis, Leigh Eskin Mascolino, and Felicia Johnson.

  • 25 Oct 2019 8:48 PM | Anonymous


    November will be National Career Development Month! Join OCDA during two professional development sessions to celebrate on Nov 1st and Nov 8th. Lunch will be catered, and supplies for the annual NCDA Poetry and Art contest will be provided at NO cost to you! Find out more about the contest by clicking here. Network with others in the field and invite those that may not currently be members; this event is open to anyone who may be interested. These events are made possible by an NCDA grant.

    RSVP by the end of today!



    Equity – Content that focuses on promoting equal access to services and opportunities among diverse populations. 
    Innovation – Emerging trends, concepts, theories, and technologies in career development.
    Practical Strategies – Sessions that leave participants with tangible tools, strategies, and resources to utilize in their day to day work.
    Engagement – New and creative ways of engaging students, clients, employers, community, and other stakeholders.
    Click here to submit a proposal!

    The Ohio Career Development Association is seeking proposals for our 2020 conference, happening on Friday, May 29th, 2020 in Columbus Ohio!

    We are looking for presenters focused on innovative ideas, research, theories, programs, and strategies to help our attendees prepare clients for the workforce.

    You are welcome to submit a proposal for any career-related topic, but we are especially interested in subjects related to: 

    Interested in Presenting?

    Questions about submitting a proposal? Email Chelsea Francis, OCDA President-Elect at

    Career Convergence Web Magazine

    One of the benefits of being an OCDA member is access to the Career Convergence magazine. Access the magazine online for free at: You can access recent articles on topics relevant to a wide variety of career practitioners including K-12, independent practice, counselor educators and researchers, post-secondary, and more. You also have access to the Career Convergence archives.

    Reminder to Members

    Don't forget to update your contact information in your membership profile to continue to receive information from OCDA.

    If you need assistance, please contact

    Don’t forget to keep updated and follow us at:

    Facebook: Ohio Career Development Association
    LinkedIn: Ohio Career Development Association
    Twitter: @The_OCDA
    Instagram: @The_OCDA

  • 30 Sep 2019 8:57 PM | Anonymous

    OCDA Professional Development Grant

    Deadline Today!!!

    Ohio Career Development Association is offering two (2) $250 grants to support OCDA members and their professional development. The grants are intended for professional development activities related to:

    • Conference registration or travel

    • Workshop registration or travel

    • Professional training

    • Professional certification(s)

    • Other professional development opportunities

     Click here to submit your grant proposal using the online form

    Proposals will be judged based on planned use of funds and support of the mission of OCDA to promote a greater understanding of the meaning of work and vocation, to foster career development over the life span, and to improve standards of professional service in the field of career guidance and counseling in Ohio.

    We’re Going Live Tomorrow!

    Check out our Facebook page (@OhioCareerDevelopmentAssociationat 10am on October 1st to see who will win the full registrations to NCDA’s Career Practitioners Institute on October 25th. If you are still interested in attending, registration & further presentation details can be found here:

    OCDA Coffee Chat Recap

    Thank you to those of you who joined our Coffee Chat! This was a fantastic way to network with fellow Career Professionals and learn Employer Relationship-Building Strategies. Our next Coffee Chat will be occurring in March. Stay tuned for further updates, and we hope you can join us!

    Total Internship Management Workshop

    OCDA will be co-sponsoring the Total Internship Management Workshop in Dublin, Ohio on October 18th. This full-day workshop will provide you with a framework to create a meaningful and impactful internship program. For more information, please visit:

    All Ohio Counselors Conference

    The AOCC Conference is November 6th - 8th.


    Early Bird rates for registration end October 8th.

    Hyatt Regency Hotel Reservations are Open!
    Rooms start at $172, shared rooms slightly higher.
    Hyatt Group Block closes October 14th.

    National Career Development Month

    In November, for National Career Development Month, OCDA will be hosting two networking and workshop/speaker events. One event will be in Columbus and the other in Northeast Ohio. Stay tuned for more details!

    If interested in being involved with planning, please contact our National Career Development Month Chair, Felicia Johnson at

    Reminder to Members

    Don't forget to update your contact information in your membership profile to continue to receive information from OCDA.

    If you need assistance, please contact

    The date is set, all we need is you!

    Mark your calendar for OCDA's 2020 Conference on May 29th!

    More details to come...


    Don’t forget to keep updated and follow us at:
    Facebook: Ohio Career Development Association
    LinkedIn: Ohio Career Development Association
    Twitter: @The_OCDA
    Instagram: @The_OCDA

  • 27 Sep 2019 5:26 PM | Anonymous

    Thank you to everyone who came out to our Coffee Chats yesterday! We had a great time and hope you all did as well! Coffee chats took place in Cleveland, Columbus, and Dayton this time! Keep an eye out for our upcoming Coffee Chats in the Spring!

    Here is a picture from our Cleveland coffee chat:

  • 3 Sep 2019 9:13 PM | Anonymous

    OCDA Professional Development Grant

    Ohio Career Development Association is offering two (2) $250 grants to support OCDA members and their professional development. The grants are intended for professional development activities related to:

    • Conference registration or travel

    • Workshop registration or travel

    • Professional training

    • Professional certification(s)

    • Other professional development opportunities

     Click here to submit your grant proposal using the online form

    Proposals will be judged based on planned use of funds and support of the mission of OCDA to promote a greater understanding of the meaning of work and vocation, to foster career development over the life span, and to improve standards of professional service in the field of career guidance and counseling in Ohio. Proposals are due by September 30th, 2019. Grant award notifications will be sent no later than November 18th, 2019. This opportunity is open to any OCDA member; members can apply for one of the professional development grants available but not two.

    Any questions regarding the Professional Development Grant can be sent to OCDA President, Bethani Burkhart, at


    Tell us what you want to see and help us find our 2020 OCDA Conference date by taking our survey here:

    Don’t forget to keep updated and follow us at:
    Facebook: Ohio Career Development Association
    LinkedIn: Ohio Career Development Association
    Twitter: @The_OCDA
    Instagram: @The_OCDA

    Register Today! 

    We are launching "Coffee Chats" within OCDA as a way for members and interested career professionals to get to know one another and gain valuable insights. On Thursday, September 26th at 3:30PM, we will be holding 3 meetups simultaneously in Columbus, Cleveland & Dayton. 

    • COLUMBUS: Downtown Stauf's (350 Mt. Vernon Ave., Columbus, OH 43215).  
    • CLEVELAND: Starbucks in the Barnes and Nobel bookstore in the Tri-C Metro Campus Center.  
    • DAYTON: Proto BuildBar coffee shop (534 E 1st St, Dayton, OH 45402).
    The topic for our coffee chat is: "Strategies for Engaging Employers & Alumni". Come join your fellow career services professionals in your area to discuss best practices and techniques.  
    Snacks provided! 
    We look forward to seeing everyone! 
    *Bring a friend! Pass this invite along to other career services professionals, membership in OCDA is NOT required.

    Total Internship Management Workshop

    OCDA will be co-sponsoring the Total Internship Management Workshop in Dublin, Ohio on October 18th. This full-day workshop will provide you with a framework to create a meaningful and impactful internship program. For more information, please visit:

    NCDA Career Practitioner Institute - Win a Free Registration!

    In Ohio, we are excited for this unique opportunity to host the NCDA Career Practitioner Institute on October 25, 2019, along with the PDIs on the 24th. 

    Registration & further presentation details can be found here:

    We are offering an exclusive opportunity to our OCDA members to win a FREE Registration to the CPI on October 25th. Please complete this short survey to enter our raffle for 2 free registrations! 

    FREE REGISTRATION RAFFLE: Note: The survey deadline is September 26th, the day of our Coffee Chat. Raffle winners will be announced on October 1st.  

    All Ohio Counselors Conference

    The AOCC Conference is November 6th - 8th.

    Early Bird rates for registration end October 8th.

    Hyatt Regency Hotel Reservations are Open!
    Rooms start at $172, shared rooms slightly higher.
    Hyatt Group Block closes October 14th.

    National Career Development Month

    In November, for National Career Development Month, OCDA will be hosting two networking and workshop/speaker events. One event will be in Columbus and the other in Northeast Ohio. Stay tuned for more details!
    If interested in being involved with planning, please contact our National Career Development Month Chair, Felicia Johnson at

  • 1 Jun 2018 12:01 PM | Anonymous

    At the 2018 Annual OCDA Conference, we had the pleasure of honoring three award winners. 

    Outstanding Graduate Student Award Winner: McKenna Koewler

    Outstanding New Professional Award Winner: Natalie Fox

    Bob Windle Leadership Award Winner: Ryan Wilhelm

  • 19 Feb 2018 2:40 PM | Anonymous

    Allison Jones was announced as the recipient of 2017 The Bob Windle Leadership Career Award at the OCDA Annual Conference on May 19 at The Ohio State University (OSU).  Currently, Allison serves as the Director of Career Management and Corporate Relations for the Fisher College of Business at OSU.  Her dedication to OCDA, leadership, and commitment to enhancing our field makes her an ideal recipient for this honor.  Allison is known for continuously going above and beyond to help students and colleagues, and she has been a sounding board and a friend to many throughout her career.  Allison was a member of the OCDA Executive Board from 2010-2016.  During that time, she planned a very successful conference and spearheaded the implementation of OCDA’s PayPal system, which helped the organization to meet members’ needs more efficiently than ever before.  Additionally, Allison served in a variety of Executive Board roles on OSU’s Association of Staff and Faculty Women.  Please join us in congratulating Allison Jones on her outstanding achievement!

  • 15 Jun 2015 2:39 PM | Anonymous

    Congratulations to Ms. Kristin C. Hannon

    This year, Ms. Kristin C. Hannon, PHR, SHRM-CP Director, Career Development at Stark State College is the recipient of the 2015 OCDA Bob Windle Leadership Career Award. The Ohio Career Development Association was delighted to bestow this honor in recognition of her significant contributions to the improvement, promotion, development of career development, and enhancement of professional association activities. Kristin, received the award at the 2015 OCDA Spring Conference on Friday May 29th. The award presentation took place during the lunch time at Walsh University in North Canton. Kristin was accompanied by her husband Evan, her colleagues and the entire OCDA.

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