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Ohio Career

Development Association

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  • 26 Mar 2022 3:07 PM | Anonymous

    Nominate Leaders in the Career field!

    Do you know any leaders in the field of career? Be sure to NOMINATE them for one of three OCDA Awards! These awards include:

    Outstanding Graduate Student Award

    Outstanding New Professional Award

    The Bob Windle Leadership Award

    Criteria for each award and links to nominate can be found on our 2022 Conference website or the OCDA website!


  • 5 Feb 2022 10:58 AM | Anonymous

    Call For Proposals: OCDA 2022 Conference

    Submit your proposal to present at the OCDA 2022 Conference. OCDA's  Conference theme is The Future of Career Development: Build your Toolkit for Now and the Future. The Conference will take place on May 19th and 20th.

    Proposals submissions are due by March 4th.

    Submit Proposals HERE.

  • 28 Jan 2022 9:59 AM | Anonymous

    Register today for the Human Resources Association of Central Ohio (HRACO) Diversity and Leadership 2022 Virtual Leadership Conference! This conference will take place on February 8th and 9th. You can learn more about this conference as well as register by clicking here!

    **PLEASE NOTE: Online registration is available until Monday, February 7th 2022**

  • 24 Jan 2022 11:26 AM | Anonymous

    Save the Date: 2022 OCDA Conference

    NCDA Art and Poetry Contest

    The Ohio Career Development Association is collecting submissions for the annual NCDA career-themed art and poetry contest. The theme this year is: "The Future of Work: The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Automation."

    First place can win $150; second can win $125; and third can win $100!

    Submissions are due by February 11th.

    Click here to find out more information and the forms to submit!

    Please feel free to submit your own pieces of art or share with any students or staff in your network who might want to participate!

    HRACO Conference

    Registration is now open for the HRACO Diversity and Leadership 2022 Virtual Conference, which will be held on February 8th and 9th. Click here to learn more and to register!

  • 10 Nov 2021 4:36 PM | Anonymous

    National Career Development Month

    November is National Career Development Month! Be sure to join us for free engagement events, throughout the entire month, where you can virtually network with other career professionals and discuss career-related topics!

    November 16th, 1pm-2pm | Gameful Mentorship - Create Engaging Student-Employer Connections

    OCDA is kicking off NCD month with a training as a way for members AND non-members to gain valuable knowledge to benefits clients and students. On Tuesday, November 16th from 1PM - 2PM, we will be completing this 1 CLOCK HOUR CEU ELIGIBLE training virtually via Zoom! 

    Gamification is generally defined as the use of game-design elements in non-game concepts. The gameful mentorship program allows mentors to help students learn and apply career competencies and skills while networking with industry professionals. We will look at tools and resources used to create gameful activities with mentors. You’ll leave with ideas for immediate implementation into existing mentoring programs.


    November 17th, 3:30pm-4:30pm | Coffee Chat Topic: Innovative Ideas for Engaging Clients and Students

    OCDA is continuing NCD month with a "Coffee Chat" as a way for members to get to know one another and gain valuable insights. On Wednesday, November 17th from 3:30PM - 4:30PM, we will be meeting virtually via Zoom! 

    The topic for our Coffee Chat is "Innovative Ideas For Engaging Clients and Students" The plan for this chat is to meet with other members to share and learn about innovative ideas and implemented programming! Come prepared to talk about any programs your office or organization has completed or any ideas you wish you could try with your populations! This is an informal virtual discussion, where you can share your own experiences and hear from others! 


    November 19th, 12pm-1pm | "The Great Resignation": Employees Voice

    OCDA is continuing NCD month with a training as a way for members AND non-members to gain valuable knowledge to benefit clients and students. On Friday, November 19th from 12PM - 1PM, we will be completing this 1 CLOCK HOUR CEU ELIGIBLE  training virtually via Zoom!

    With "The Great Resignation" that occurred back in April 2021, employees across industries have spoken up about how they feel about the traditional ways of working. This mass exodus across sectors have shared insights with employers about how organizations need to take proactive steps in having robust conversations about employees career growth and development within their respective workplaces. Come and join an interactive session where we will discuss how to positively disrupt career development conversations in your own respective workplaces.


    November 22nd, 4pm-4:30pm | Demo: Connect Clients to Virtual Work Experiences with Forage

    OCDA is continuing NCD month with a demonstration as a way for members to gain valuable knowledge to benefit clients and students. On Monday, November 22nd from 4PM - 4:30PM, we will be viewing this demonstration of Forage virtually via Facebook Live!


    November 29th, 3:30pm-4:30pm | Membership Meet-Up: Virtual Escape Room Experience!

    OCDA is concluding NCD month with a Virtual Escape Room experience! Team up with other OCDA members to complete the escape room and gain ideas for how to develop your own escape room with individuals that you serve! This is a fun way to learn a new skill and network with other members. Join us via Zoom on Monday, November 29th from 3:30PM - 4:30PM.


    Register for one (or all!) of these opportunities at Happy National Career Development Month and we look forward to seeing you there!

    Want to Get More Involved with OCDA?

    One of the best ways to do this is to join a committee! We are building committees to work on functions such as marketing, outreach, event planning, administrative tasks, etc. to promote the purpose and objectives of the Association.

    Benefits of joining a committee include:

    • Building your resume
    • Networking with other career development professionals
    • Learn new skills + gain experiences outside your current job role
    • Giving back to the career development community!

    If you're interested in volunteering to join a committee, please complete the form below and a board member will connect with you to provide more information.

    Join an OCDA Committee

    Get Social with OCDA!

    Facebook - Ohio Career Development Association
    LinkedIn Group - Ohio Career Development Association

    We want to connect with you, which is why we're on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn! We'll be sharing information about events, resources, and featuring the amazing work of our members! 

    Instagram - @The_OCDA

    Twitter - @The_OCDA

    Working on something exciting that you want to share with other OCDA members on our social media channels? 

    We're happy to help! Email Chelsea Francis at with your good news, accomplishments, innovative programs, updates, etc.! 

    Career Services Roles

    Check out these wonderful opportunities now open in career services. Click on the hyperlinks to learn more about each individual position. 

    Director of Career Development

    Ohio Dominican University

  • 14 Oct 2021 5:19 PM | Anonymous

    2022 OCDA Conference

    Planning for the 2022 OCDA Conference is in full swing, and we want to hear from you! Please take a few moments to complete this survey and let us know how you'd like to participate in the conference this year:

    Conference Survey

    Call for Presentation Proposals:
    If you feel you have a topic to contribute, please complete the form HERE by Wednesday, 10/20 to be considered by the NCD Committee as a CEU presenter.

    National Career Development Month

    National Career Development (NCD) month is around the corner and OCDA is putting together some educational and networking opportunities for our members and we need your help! 

    This year, we wanted to reach out to our members to request presentations that would be CEU eligible for our Career Community. Presentations will take place in Zoom during National Career Development Week (11/15-11/19). The theme for the presentations will be, "The Future of Career Development."

    If you are selected, we will connect with you to discuss your availability by Friday, 10/29. We look forward to learning from your expertise!

    If you have questions, please contact the NCD Chair, Taylor Slocum at

    Want to Get More Involved with OCDA?

    One of the best ways to do this is to join a committee! We are building committees to work on functions such as marketing, outreach, event planning, administrative tasks, etc. to promote the purpose and objectives of the Association.

    Benefits of joining a committee include:

    • Building your resume

    • Networking with other career development professionals

    • Learn new skills + gain experiences outside your current job role

    • Giving back to the career development community!

    If you're interested in volunteering to join a committee, please complete the form below and a board member will connect with you to provide more information.

    Join an OCDA Committee

    Get Social with OCDA!

    Facebook - Ohio Career Development Association
    LinkedIn Group - Ohio Career Development Association

    We want to connect with you, which is why we're on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn! We'll be sharing information about events, resources, and featuring the amazing work of our members! 

    Instagram - @The_OCDA

    Twitter - @The_OCDA

    Working on something exciting that you want to share with other OCDA members on our social media channels? 

    We're happy to help! Email Chelsea Francis at with your good news, accomplishments, innovative programs, updates, etc.! 

    Career Services Roles

    Check out these wonderful opportunities now open in career services. Click on the hyperlinks to learn more about each individual position.

    Assistant Director, Career Education/Student Engagement

    Baldwin Wallace University

    Career Advisor (5 Open Positions)

    Kent State University

    Career Communication Specialist

    Kent State University

  • 11 May 2021 9:15 PM | Anonymous

    President-Elect Applications are NOW OPEN!

    Applications are now open for the 2021-2022 President-Elect position. Our new President-Elect will begin their 3-year term on July 1, 2021. To be considered, complete the online application before May 21st.

    The President Elect plans, executes, and organizes the Annual Conference and oversees the Conference Planning Committee. The President-Elect serves as a member of the Board, co-chair of the Finance Committee, and advisor to the President at the Annual Meeting, and performs Presidential duties in the absence of the President.

    President-Elect Application

  • 10 May 2021 5:45 PM | Anonymous

    Apply for an OCDA Grant!

    • Professional Development: Conference registration, certifications, trainings, workshops. 
    • Program Support: funding to support any program that helps clients in their career development or job search. 

    This is the last week to apply for one of our professional development or program support grants.

    It's the final week to submit your application for one of our six Professional Development or Program Support grants! 

    We will be awarding up to six grants of $250 to support members in: 

    The application is quick to fill out and we encourage all members to apply ASAP. We look forward to supporting your programs and your professional development! 

    Applications are due by Sunday, May 16, Learn more/apply at

    Interested in Leadership?

    Applications are now open for the 2021-2022 President-Elect position. Our new President-Elect will begin their 3-year term on July 1, 2021. To be considered, complete the online application before May 21st- click here for the application.

    The President-Elect plans, executes, and organizes the Annual Conference and oversees the Conference Planning Committee. The President-Elect serves as a member of the Board, co-chair of the Finance Committee, and advisor to the President at the Annual Meeting, and performs Presidential duties in the absence of the President.

    Register for the 2021 OCDA Conference

    We're so excited for the 2021 OCDA Conference: Confidently Committed to Change on June 4th! Don't forget to register, and make sure to check out the website to learn more about our keynote and breakout session speakers. Click here for more information.

    Ohio Wesleyan University

    Career Catalyst, STEM

    Ohio Wesleyan University is currently hiring a part-time Career Catalyst, STEM Liaison. For more information on this role and/or to apply, click here

  • 19 Apr 2021 6:32 PM | Anonymous

    2021 Professional Development & Program Support Grants

    We're expanding our funding for micro-grants to help support our members with awards for professional development and program support. Please review the information below if you're interested in applying!

    Who is Eligible?  

    All current OCDA members are eligible to submit one (1) application.   


    Application Period 

    April 19th – May 16th, 2021  


    Application Description  

    The Ohio Career Development Association is offering six (6) grants of up to $250 to support OCDA members and their professional development or program support. The grants are intended for activities related to: 


    • Conference registration or travel 
    • Workshop registration or travel 
    • Professional training 
    • Professional certification(s)
    Assistance with programs that support clients in:  
    • Developing career readiness skills 
    • Exploring career options 
    • Securing employment 
    • Enhancing their careers  

    Proposals will be judged based on planned use of funds and support of the mission of OCDA to promote a greater understanding of the meaning of work and vocation, to foster career development over the life span, and to improve standards of professional service in the field of career guidance and counseling in Ohio.   

    Proposals are due by May 16th, 2021. Grant award notifications will be sent no later than May 24th, 2021

    Apply at

    Questions? Contact Chelsea Francis, OCDA President at

    Not planning to apply for a grant?

    We are looking for two members to help us read + evaluate grant applications!

    Grant Reader Eligibility:

    • Must be an active OCDA Member
    • Must not have applied for an OCDA grant
    • Must be available to review/score applications the week of May 17-21, 2021

    Interested in volunteering? Email Chelsea Francis, OCDA President at

    President-Elect Applications are Open

    Applications are now open for the 2021-2022 President-Elect position. Our new President-Elect will begin their 3-year term on July 1, 2021. To be considered, complete the online application before May 21st.

    The President Elect plans, executes, and organizes the Annual Conference and oversees the Conference Planning Committee. The President-Elect serves as a member of the Board, co-chair of the Finance Committee, and advisor to the President at the Annual Meeting, and performs Presidential duties in the absence of the President.

    President-Elect Application

  • 1 Apr 2021 10:53 AM | Anonymous

    President-Elect Applications are Open

    Applications are now open for the 2021-2022 President-Elect position. Our new President-Elect will begin their 3-year term on July 1, 2021. To be considered, complete the online application before May 21st.

    The President Elect plans, executes, and organizes the Annual Conference and oversees the Conference Planning Committee. The President-Elect serves as a member of the Board, co-chair of the Finance Committee, and advisor to the President at the Annual Meeting, and performs Presidential duties in the absence of the President.

    President-Elect Application

    OCDA Awards: Last Day to Nominate is Tomorrow!

    OCDA is taking nominations for our annual awards until Friday, April 2nd at midnight. This is a great opportunity to nominate and recognize someone on your team! The award winners receive an award, registration to the OCDA conference, and a $100 honorarium.

    There are three award categories:

    • Outstanding Graduate Student Award
    • Outstanding New Professional Award
    • Bob Windle Leadership Award 

    You can find the award nomination forms and more info at:

    2021 OCDA Virtual Conference

    The last year has been filled with trial and tribulations in the life-career planning process. During a time of uncertainty, we look to boost confidence, strengthen commitment, and advance change for our career communities. Join us for our virtual conference where you will connect and share innovative experiences and ideas with career-driven colleagues.

    June 4th, 2021

    9 am to 4pm

    Virtual, Zoom

    Learn more and register at: 

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