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Ohio Career

Development Association

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  • 19 Feb 2024 9:14 PM | Anonymous

    Decolonizing "Professionalism" to Empower Inclusion

    Friday, March 15, 2024 from 11am-12pm

    Join us virtually via Zoom on Friday, March 15th at 11am where we will have the opportunity to learn from Dr. Kristin Austin!

    Register for the event HERE.

    PRESENTATION HAS BEEN APPROVED FOR 1 GENERAL CEU for counselors, social workers, and marriage and family therapists!

    **Meeting link will be sent to registrants via email**

  • 6 Dec 2023 4:00 PM | Anonymous

    OCDA December 2023 Newsletter

    On behalf of the OCDA Executive Board, we wish you a safe and happy holiday season!

    A Message from the President, Christine Yancey

    Dear Members,

    It is my pleasure to wish you and your family a joyous holiday season and a happy and prosperous New Year! As 2023 comes to a close, we look back on all OCDA has accomplished this year. The first half of 2023 featured professional development offerings  that helped our members grow both professionally and personally with workshops on credentialing and time management. The OCDA Annual conference was held in May and brought back the face-to-face event and brought career development professionals together from across the state for the two-day event. The organization welcomed many new members and grew the Executive Board in expertise, dedication, and enthusiasm and added to the already talented leadership team.

    In November, the NCD Month Committee planned a month full of programming to help our members, ranging from personal and professional improvement and growth to networking opportunities. Recordings of these workshops can be viewed through the OCDA website.

    Our new Government Relations committee is already doing great work expanding the voice of Career Development. Members attended the OCDA Government Education Day on November 27th and met with Graham Wood from the Department of Education and Workforce to discuss how our profession impacts the workforce from the time jobseekers begin to think of a future career. The committee also secured a state proclamation designating November as NCD Month from the Governor’s office, the House of Representatives, and the State Senate. This is an exciting step forward and we look forward to expanding this effort in 2024, with even more members in attendance. 

    Our Professional Development committee offered workshops with opportunities to earn CEU’s with a Communication Skills workshop. The committee has several more workshops planned for the coming year.

    As we look forward to 2024, OCDA committees have even more planned to increase the benefits of your membership. The date for the Annual Conference has been set for May 30-31, 2024 and will take place on the beautiful campus of Ohio Dominican University in Columbus. This year’s theme is Strive to Thrive – The Impact of Wellness on Career Development and the call for proposals will go out in the coming weeks, and we invite you to consider presenting at the event. 

    The DEI committee also has important work planned, and I invite anyone with a passion for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the career development space to contact the committee chair Alex Burns at

    Finally, as I reflect on 2023 and look forward to 2024, I wanted to personally thank you for your commitment and dedication to OCDA and I look forward to a New Year filled with success and prosperity.


    Christine L. Yancey

    OCDA President

    OCDA Tip of the Month: Reflection

    Erin Doyle Theodorou M.Ed., LPC, NCC from Theodorou Therapy LLC brings us a fantastic quote to guide our thoughts on the theme of reflection to round out the final weeks of 2023. Erin writes, "At the end of each year, there is a great opportunity to reflect on yourself, your goals, your relationships, your career, and your health (both physical and mental). December is an ideal time to take stock of how you feel you progressed the last twelve months. Perhaps to reflect on how you regressed (we are human after all)."

    To read more about the theme of reflection for the month of December, take a look at Erin's full blog post here.

    Pulse on Ohio
    Issue 3

    December 2023

    In celebration of National Career Development Month, the Ohio Career Development Association held our first government day on November 27th at the Ohio Statehouse sponsored by the Government Relations Committee. It was a successful day of learning, networking, and policy education. 

    The event was open to NCDA and OCDA members as well as prospective members. OCDA members in attendance included Danielle Bell, Jill Cates (Easterseals Redwood), President-Elect-Elect Richard Fajardo (Ohio State University), Government Relations Chair Sarah JanTausch (SRJ Coaching & Consulting), Secretary Rachel Richardson (Ohio State University), and President Christine Yancey (Sinclair Community College).

    The day began with networking, followed by a private tour of the Ohio Statehouse including the Senate Chambers, and finished with a policy discussion with the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce’s Graham Wood who provided a briefing on recent and future changes to the Department and a discussion around education and workforce policy relating to the Association.  It was a productive and collaborative conversation where we discussed the continuum of career development and supporting K-12 students in their next steps through graduation. 

    Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Lt. Governor Jon Husted recognized National Career Development Month with a proclamation. Both legislative chambers supported November as National Career Development Month. The Ohio Senate President Matt Huffman along with Senator Andrew Brenner Chairs the Senate Education Committee celebrated the occasion with a proclamation and the Ohio House Speaker Jason Stephens joined in with recognition.

    OCDA Government Relations Committee:

    Sarah JanTausch, Chair

    Alexandria Burns

    Amy Harker

    Dr. Nina Talley

    Christine Yancey

    OCDA members pictured left to right standing outside of the Governor’s Ceremonial office in the Ohio Statehouse: Rachel Richardson, Jill Cates, Danielle Bell and in the back row Richard Fajardo and Christine Yancey.

    OCDA Government Relations Committee Members pictured left to right standing outside of the Governor’s Ceremonial office in the Ohio Statehouse: Sarah JanTausch and Christine Yancey with proclamations from the Ohio Governor and Lt. Governor, Ohio Senate, and Ohio House of Representatives.

    OCDA Members in attendance standing in the Map Room at the Ohio Statehouse on each of the counties they represent. From left to right: Jill Cates, Christine Yancey, Rachel Richardson, Sarah JanTausch, Richard Fajardo, and Danielle Bell.

    In the spirit of reflection, the OCDA Executive Board would like to send our heartfelt congratulations to last year’s award recipients. Take this time to reflect on all the work you and your colleagues have done and think about who you might want to nominate this year!

    Check out more information on our awards and last year's recipients here

    Lastly, we have one update for our OCDA Membership on behalf of the Website Committee:
    We moved the Member Exclusive Content section to under the Membership Tab.

    If you have ideas or submissions for membership email content, please email Maddie Kindig at

  • 19 Nov 2023 12:11 PM | Anonymous

    Government Education Day

    Cover Image for OCDA Government Education Day

    Join the OCDA Board on Monday, November 27th for an education and networking event at the Ohio Statehouse! The program will include a tour, educational program, and photo-op on the Ohio Statehouse steps. This is a GREAT opportunity for in-person networking with fellow career development professionals!

    This event is open to OCDA, NCDA members, and those who are want to explore OCDA membership! REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED!

    PLEASE NOTE: Attendees must dress in business casual/professional attire. Please ensure that you are comfortable and able to stay warm!

    To register please follow THIS LINK. It is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED for those interested in attending to RSVP in order to receive updates directly to their email about essential day-of details and parking information.

    We can't wait to see you there!!

  • 5 Nov 2023 5:07 PM | Anonymous

    National Career Development Month Events

    Did you know that November is National Career Development Month?! OCDA is thrilled to announce that we are hosting a number of events in honor of NCD Month! We even have the opportunity to offer CEUs to members of OCDA and those who have not joined OCDA!

    Check out our National Career Development Month page and our Events page for details and Zoom information for this month's events!

  • 1 Nov 2023 4:00 PM | Anonymous

    OCDA November 2023 Newsletter

    November is National Career Development Month!

    A Message from the President, Christine Yancey

    November is a magical time of year when the air turns crisp, leaves turn vibrant colors, and bonfires and pumpkin patches fill our weekends. Families join together to celebrate life’s harvest and reflect and remind themselves of all they have to be thankful for with a fabulous feast while enjoying the spirit of Thanksgiving.

    November is also National Career Development Month and OCDA has a full month of activities and workshops designed to provide our members with information and networking opportunities throughout the month.  These activities include Motivational Meet and Greets, Professional Development events offering CEU’s and workshops providing information and resources for goal setting and providing services for special populations. I encourage you to check the schedule and reach out to the NCD Month Co-chairs, Alicia Camak at or Hannah Harshman at for questions. More information is included in this newsletter as well.

    The month of November will also see the launch of OCDA’s DEI Initiative. The committee has been hard at work putting together a kick-off event with a guest speaker and is currently looking for committee members to assist and be part of this meaningful and impactful initiative. OCDA’s DEI Committee has been put in place to raise awareness by Representing all members, Advancing Equity, Inspiring Change, Supporting education of DEI, and empowering all to achieve their full potential. You will read more about the DEI’s Purpose, Mission, and Vision in this newsletter. Please watch your emails for more information.

    Other committees are also hard at work increasing the value of OCDA Membership; from creating this robust newsletter and providing professional development and networking opportunities to promoting messaging and sharing best practices through our social media and website platforms. These all work together to provide our members with resources and tools they need to better help their clients.

    On a personal note, November is also a time for giving thanks to those who sacrificed for our freedom.  I’d like to give a personal shout out to all veterans who currently serve or who have served and encourage everyone to thank a veteran, especially on Veteran’s Day (November 11th).

    Finally, I’m personally thankful for all of you. I’d like to express my gratitude for your commitment and dedication to the profession and especially thank you for being a part of OCDA. I wish you and your family a wonderful November and I hope to see you soon!


    Christine Yancey

    OCDA President

    Register for Our NCD Month Events Here!

    DEI Committee Announcement

    Inclusion is the key that unlocks the door to a world of endless gratitude, where every voice is heard and every story is valued!  

    This month, the DEI Committee extends a warm invitation to you, an invitation to unite with us in a heartfelt celebration of the remarkable might of gratitude and respect. We're here to applaud and honor every individual and community that, together, weaves our incredible, diverse tapestry.

    Gratitude is more than just a feeling; it's a force that bridges divides, creating unity and connection. Let's take a moment to appreciate the incredible diversity that surrounds us, from the myriad of cultures and backgrounds to the rich tapestry of unique experiences within our community. By expressing our thanks, we not only recognize the intrinsic value each person brings but also cultivate an environment where inclusivity and mutual respect thrive.

    As we journey through the vibrant month of November, there's a magnificent array of holidays awaiting our celebration and appreciation:

    ·       Diwali (November 4th)

    ·       Veterans Day (November 11th) 

    ·       Thanksgiving (November 25th)

    ·       Transgender Day of Remembrance (November 20th)

    ·       Native American Heritage Month

    ·       National Veterans and Military Families Month

    Let's embrace the diversity that surrounds us, practice gratitude, kindness, and respect, and work together to build a more inclusive and equitable world. We invite all interested OCDA members to become part of the OCDA DEI Committee by sending an email to Your voice and commitment are invaluable, and we are excited to welcome you into our diverse and passionate community.


    DEI Committee

    OCDA Tip of the Month: Showing Gratitude

    Brought to you by WBUR, this radio show episode is dedicated to the "Science of Happiness." Sit down, relax, and enjoy the stories of those who find "awe" in life. This may inspire you to show gratitude and give thanks to the many small (and big!) things that happen every day.

    Listen here to "Awe: Science's answer to your search for happiness"

    Pulse on Ohio
    Issue 2
    November 2023

    On behalf of the Government Relations Committee at OCDA, we want to wish you a Happy National Career Development Month! This is the perfect season to spread awareness of our industry and educate our elective and appointed leadership at every level of the work that is being done by all of us in every corner of Ohio. Advocacy is simply working to garner support for a particular cause or policy. 

    During this year’s National Career Development Month, we are inviting you to reach out to your elective and appointed leadership and share about what you do to educate and inform Ohio’s policymakers. It can be as simple as using a contact form on the public official’s website to share about National Career Development Month. Expanding awareness about what you do to support fellow Ohioans receiving career development services across the continuum from youth through mid-career and the “third act” in later years. Below you’ll find a sample letter that you can copy, personalize, and paste into a contact form, email, or letter to your representatives and links to find your representatives. 

    If you choose to reach out to your representatives and/or receive responses, send copies of the correspondence to We are tracking advocacy efforts in order to report on our impact! 


    Congressional Leadership:

    State Government Leadership: 

    County Government Leadership:

    • Visit your local county government website (usually “commissioners”) and look for a contact form, press/media page, or public information officer’s contact

    Hyper-local Government Leadership:

    • Visit your local city, township, or village government website and look for a contact form, email address, or press/media page






    Dear The Honorable [REPRESENTATIVES’S LAST NAME], 

    I am writing to you as a constituent and a [YOUR ROLE OR TITLE] working in the career development industry here in Ohio. I work with [INSERT THE TYPES OF PEOPLE YOU WORK WITH] to [INSERT THE GOALS OF YOUR CLIENTS GENERALLY/WHAT YOU WORK TOWARD]. [SHARE ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR WORK HERE.]

    November is National Career Development Month. As a member of the Ohio Career Development Association, I am writing to you in order to share about the relevancy and impact of our industry. Founded in 1975, the Ohio Career Development Association (OCDA) is a chartered state division of the National Career Development Association (NCDA) and a division of the Ohio Counseling Association. The NCDA was initially founded in 1913 under a different name and is the first, longest first, longest running and preeminent career development association in the world.

    The OCDA exists to promote a greater understanding of the meaning of work and vocation, to foster career development over the lifespan, and to improve the standards of professional service in the field of career guidance and counseling in Ohio. The development of any person's career takes place over most of his/her lifetime. These stages are: (a) preschool age youth; (b) K-6 school grades; (c) 7-9 school grades; (d) 10-12 school grades; (e) adults (ages 18-65), and (f) retired persons. Our members make up constituency groups including professionals working in K-12, higher education, graduate students/educators/researchers, private practice, government/advocacy, workforce development agencies, and business/industry/employers. 

    As you are making policies impacting the career development industry and the fellow Ohioans we serve, I urge you to look toward the OCDA and NCDA as the preeminent voice for career practitioners in order to ensure policies and practices ultimately support the 

    Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I appreciate your service to our community. For more information on the NCDA you can visit and for more information on the OCDA you can go to







    *Every 10 years after the U.S. Census, Ohio's House and Senate district boundaries must be redrawn to reflect the results of the most recent Census. The Ohio Redistricting Commission is tasked with redrawing each of those legislative districts. District maps have been redrawn in 2023, while the process still has legal challenges ahead, please note your representation might change in the near future due to map boundaries changing due to population changes. 

    **If choosing to include your professional title and organization, please ensure proper permissions are granted from your organization. Often universities, colleges, agencies, and businesses have a process or staff who handle all advocacy outreach. In these instances, we encourage you to check your organization’s guidelines and/or consider reaching out to your representatives from your position as a private citizen where you may use your personal contact information.

    If you have ideas or submissions for membership email content, please email Maddie Kindig at

  • 22 Oct 2023 7:02 PM | Anonymous


    Communication Skills with Dr. Aysegul Zeren

    Have you ever struggled to communicate during a difficult conversation? Have you noticed that you want to continue to develop your communication skills as you navigate your career, the changing world of work, or daily life? Well look no further!

    OCDA is excited to be hosting a presentation on communication skills with Dr. Aysegul Zeren, Professional Development Co-Chair of OCDA! During this presentation, you will learn from an EXPERT and develop new and helpful skills to navigate future conversations!

    This presentation may be eligible for a CEU, and event descriptions will be updated accordingly if CEU credit can be granted.

    **Be sure to RSVP for this event in order to receive the Zoom link for the presentation**

    RSVP for this event HERE!

  • 20 Oct 2023 7:22 PM | Anonymous

    OCDA Newsletter: We would like to hear from YOU!

    Did you know that members can ensure that their voice and opinions are heard through contributing to the OCDA Membership Newsletters? These monthly newsletters are sent out at the beginning of the month and include content such as upcoming events, helpful tips for professionals, ways to become involved with OCDA, and much MORE! For more information and ideas about content members could submit for the newsletter, be sure to check out our Newsletter page on the OCDA website!

    Be sure to email our current newsletter editor, Maddie Kindig, at with any questions or content!


  • 7 Oct 2023 7:55 PM | Anonymous

  • 6 Apr 2023 12:00 PM | Anonymous

    Ohio Career Development Association

    Awards 2023


    Ohio Career Development Association
    State Division of NCDA and Division of OCA

    Last Chance to Nominate a Colleague for an OCDA Award!

    Today is the LAST day to nominate a colleague for one of the OCDA Awards! The nomination forms are very quick and easy to complete - Please help us celebrate some amazing professionals in the career development space!

    Winners will receive a $100 honorarium, commemorative gift, free registration to the 2023 Conference, and will be recognized at the conference!

    Please take a moment to nominate your amazing colleagues! Read the award criteria below; and nominate some outstanding professionals HERE.


    • Nominees must have at least 2 years of experience in the career development or related field
    • Demonstrates innovation through specialized projects, initiatives, and/or contributions and has made an impact on the populations that they serve.

    Outstanding Graduate Student Nomination

    • This award recognizes of the wonderful contributions that graduate students are already making to their respective field.
    • Nominees must be a full-time student in Ohio, a masters or doctoral candidate, and in the field of career counseling, student affairs, college/student personnel or a related field.

    Outstanding New Professional Nomination

    • This award recognizes of an individual with less than five (5) years of full-time experience.
    • This individual serves as a role model to students and professionals, demonstrates creativity/innovation in the field, and has great potential for continued success.

    Bob Windle Leadership Nomination

    • The award is named in honor of Bob Windle, who won the award in 2011, for his exceptional contributions to OCDA and to career counseling, exploration, transition, and resilience.
    • The Bob Windle Leadership Award recognizes practicing career counselors, consultants, or teachers for outstanding performance.
    • Nominees must have at least eight (8) years of service in career development or a related field; demonstrated quality of service (such as innovative programs, recognition by local organizations, publications, awards, etc.); and service to professional association(s) at the local, state and/or national levels. 

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Tainne Dallas at and/or Taylor Slocum (Member Engagement & Awards Chair) at We look forward to celebrating our career development colleagues.

  • 31 Mar 2023 12:00 PM | Anonymous

    Ohio Career Development Association

    2023 Awards Reminder


    Ohio Career Development Association
    State Division of NCDA and Division of OCA

    2023 Award Nominations

    Open 1 more week!

    There's still time to nominate a colleague for an OCDA award! We are accepting nominations through Friday, 4/7. Winners will receive a $100 honorarium, commemorative gift, free registration to the 2023 Conference, and will be recognized at the conference!

    Please take a moment to nominate your amazing colleagues! Read the award criteria below; and nominate some outstanding professionals HERE.


    • Nominees must have at least 2 years of experience in the career development or related field
    • Demonstrates innovation through specialized projects, initiatives, and/or contributions and has made an impact on the populations that they serve.

    Outstanding Graduate Student Nomination

    • This award recognizes of the wonderful contributions that graduate students are already making to their respective field.
    • Nominees must be a full-time student in Ohio, a masters or doctoral candidate, and in the field of career counseling, student affairs, college/student personnel or a related field.

    Outstanding New Professional Nomination

    • This award recognizes of an individual with less than five (5) years of full-time experience.
    • This individual serves as a role model to students and professionals, demonstrates creativity/innovation in the field, and has great potential for continued success.

    Bob Windle Leadership Nomination

    • The award is named in honor of Bob Windle, who won the award in 2011, for his exceptional contributions to OCDA and to career counseling, exploration, transition, and resilience.
    • The Bob Windle Leadership Award recognizes practicing career counselors, consultants, or teachers for outstanding performance.
    • Nominees must have at least eight (8) years of service in career development or a related field; demonstrated quality of service (such as innovative programs, recognition by local organizations, publications, awards, etc.); and service to professional association(s) at the local, state and/or national levels. 

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Tainne Dallas at and/or Taylor Slocum (Member Engagement & Awards Chair) at We look forward to celebrating our career development colleagues.

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