- Two (2) COMPLIMENTARY conference registrations
- Sponsor representatives can participate in all conference activities, keynote speaker presentations, and breakout sessions
- Admission for two (2) to OCDA 50th Anniversary Celebration
- Opportunity to include swag in attendee hospitality bags (at expense of sponsor)
- Exhibitor table within conference area to connect with conference attendees
- Includes tablecloth, two chairs, access to internet
- Meals and snacks included
- Participation in exhibitor roundtable session to interact one-on-one with attendees
- Half page advertisement in conference program
- Recognition as Silver Level sponsor in opening remarks of conference
- Recognition as Silver Level sponsor in post-conference newsletter
- Logo and link on OCDA Website homepage, conference webpage, and partners/sponsors page through December 2025
- 1 minute presentation about organization/product during Check-In/Networking time on Day 1 of Conference