OCDA Annual Spring Conference!
Registration will be open tomorrow, February 1st, 2020!

This year's event will be held on Friday, May 29th, 2020 at Columbus State Community College in Columbus, Ohio. This year, YOU get to play an active role in shaping your experience at the conference.
Check out OCDA2020.com to learn more and to register starting February 1st!
We can't wait to see you there!

NCDA Award Nominations Due Today!!!
National Career Development Association’s Award Nominations are due for submission today, January 31. If you have someone in your state that you feel meets any of the Award criteria, please review the link below:

OCDA Registration.pdf

OCDA Coffee Chat:
Marketing & Branding Strategies for Career Professionals
We are holding our second free "Coffee Chat" as a way for members and interested career professionals to get to know one another and gain valuable insights. On March 12th from 3:00PM - 5:00PM, we are meeting simultaneously in Columbus, Cleveland, Dayton, & Ashland.
Come join other professionals in your region to discuss marketing & branding best practices.
Snacks provided!
*Bring a friend! Pass this invite along to other career services professionals, membership in OCDA is NOT required.
A few topics that we will discuss...
-What is a time when you effectively marketed to a population? What were the strengths & weaknesses of your approach?
-How can you empower students/clients to use word of mouth to promote your services?
-What is the major brand and "message" of your office?
-What's your image currently, and where do you want it to be in the future?

Total Internship Management Workshop
OCDA will be co-sponsoring the Total Internship Management Workshop in Dublin, Ohio on March 20, 2020. This full-day workshop will provide you with a framework to create a meaningful and impactful internship program. For more information, please visit: https://internbridge.com/dublin/.
Career Convergence Web Magazine
One of the benefits of being an OCDA member is access to the Career Convergence magazine. Access the magazine online for free at: https://ncda.org/aws/NCDA/pt/sp/CC_home_page. You can access recent articles on topics relevant to a wide variety of career practitioners including K-12, independent practice, counselor educators and researchers, post-secondary, and more. You also have access to the Career Convergence archives.

Reminder to Members
Don't forget to update your contact information in your membership profile to continue to receive information from OCDA.
If you need assistance, please contact teri.stebbins@wright.edu.
Don’t forget to keep updated and follow us at:
Facebook: Ohio Career Development Association
LinkedIn: Ohio Career Development Association
Twitter: @The_OCDA
Instagram: @The_OCDA